
Out of Debt and From None to One

My husband and I vowed on a debt and loan free life after watching this seminar. We had experienced this miracle and knew that we were on the right track. We have three kids and live on a single income, so after making that decision, we knew that we had to save up cash for a car. With the income and savings plan that we had, it was obvious that we wouldn't be buying a car anytime soon. We were looking at 5 years down the line. I had already been strolling my kids around for 7 years and at times, I felt tempted to pick up that phone and "press #9", or apply for car financing. Thankfully we never did, and I am glad we didn't, because if we had done, we would have never got to experience the awesome-ness of God in this area. Keep reading!

We prayed about it, let God know our desires. We left it up to God to provide us a car if He saw fit. But one day, our neighbour had asked me whether we knew of anyone interested in buying a car, Dodge Grand Caravan 2003? I said that we didn't and that we are saving up for an Asia vacation to see my brother and his family. They told us what they would sell it for, if we were interested for $2,000. That was a great deal, if one would even have that kind of money saved up, but we didn't! I called my hubby right away and asked him whether this was another temptation or actually a gift from God. And if it was a gift from God, where would we find that money. It was a small enough amount, but still so large, for us. Are we going to miss out on such a chance like this, we wondered?? Because, we really didn't have the money. Borrowing was out of the question now, taking a loan was too... I was beginning to fret. Eventually we came to the conclusion that we had to trust God in this matter and if He saw fit, for us to have it, then we would have it. We had to have peace, that if I were to use strollers for the next 5 years, so be it.Not to mention that this car had been sitting in our neighbours driveway for the last year, what it really took was our hearts to be in the right condition to accept God's blessings.

Then soon after, it came to our knowledge that my husband had a bonus coming his way. This bonus was the exact amount of the car. HOWEVER, this was in June, and the bonus was to come the following August. We were surely going to miss this chance! We prayed ever harder...
Can we go and ask them to hold this car for 2 months until we got paid? Would anyone do such a thing for us? My husband approached our neighbour and asked if it would be ok for him to buy it at the end of August. Our neighbour replied that it worked out better since he had some work to do on it, but has to work in another province and wouldn't be back until END OF AUGUST to be able make those repairs!!!

This is how we have our very first car, debt free, within our budget, a perfect size... amen!! If we would've gone ahead and financed a car, taken on a debt, because of our impatience, we surely would've missed out on a super provision, a miracle. Our neighbours would never have asked us about the car, if we had had one in our drive way. Our declining financing of cars made sense. God foresaw this blessing and wanted to give us the best, debt free!


  1. What a beautiful story! God really is good. :) We financed all of our vehicles that we have owned in the past, including out current vehicle. It's a disaster because I feel like I am never going to get all of the debt (medical bills, cars, home, student loans) paid off. Someday...


  2. Hi lla Adkins,

    Thank you. He truly is! I can relate to you, this is how I felt like as well, wondering how on earth will we ever get out of this dark place?? But we did, only by His works. You can also! If you can, I recommend that you watch the Financial Freedom seminar. It is life changing.

    Remain blessed!
