
Motherhood- a kill joy?

The enemy has stolen our joy  in "mothering" and in" motherhood". 🤰🤱 Motherhood goes back to the beginning of the earth and it is a GOOD thing. We have swallowed the lies of a wordly "self-love", 🖤 this kind of self live doesn't last.
Jesus says :  "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends". John 15:13.
This goes against the worldly wisdom and sounds so foolish to those who do not know the Lord. The world says "love yourself, think of your self first, you come first..."... Joy isn't happiness. Happiness is flaky. Joy is solid regardless of your circumstances:
J- 1st (God) Jesus
O- 2nd others
Y- 3rd yourself
We're so short-sighted, and constantly battle with guilt, wants, wants, wants, lethargy, frustration, discontent etc. No wonder mothering and motherhood has such a bad rep.
These days no one speaks positively about motherhood, babies and toddlers. For example on social media,  there are countless forum threads about stay-at-home moms venting and focusing negatively on how hard everything is and how they wished for this season to hurry on and pass by.
We're constantly bombarded by our needs and our wants, by the social media, advertisments, by negative from friends and family.
Children have become a burden. Mothering has become a burden. Since when? It's not a privilege, a Joy or a blessing that it was designed to be. We can take this back you know! God's on our side!
Mothers keep searching for ways and demanding to "self love", so that they can "recuperate", yet we're never satisfies, and our thirst is never quenched.
We don't see and hear the cuteness and the sweetness in the cries of our babies, and we don't tune in to nurture and to soothe.
We hear a needy baby who just won't settle, and we see all the things we would rather want, and do... and experience.
No one is happy. No one has Joy. All of us are robbed. We didn't love on our baby/children purposefully, and we became stagnant. By pouring our love intentionally,  we will be refilled by a Greater Love that never grows weary. For those who like to recycle.

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